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The Future of Kubernetes: Potential Improvements Through Generative AI (Mon, 25 Mar 2024)
Kubernetes, the open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, has revolutionized the IT industry. However, like all innovative technology, it continuously seeks enhancements to improve efficiency, usability, and functionality. One such area promising potential improvements is Generative AI. This sophisticated technology can generate new data that shares the same characteristics as the original data, such as images, music, text, or code. As we delve into the possibilities, we realize the potential improvements in Kubernetes as part of Generative AI. How Can Generative AI Enhance Kubernetes? 1. Automated Configuration and Deployment Generative AI can automate the configuration and deployment of applications in Kubernetes. By learning from historical deployment patterns and configurations, generative models can predict the optimum configuration for a new application. Generative AI can also help to scale applications automatically based on traffic patterns, reducing the need for manual intervention.
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Retrieval-Augmented Generation: A More Reliable Approach (Mon, 25 Mar 2024)
In the rapidly changing world of artificial intelligence, it has evolved far more than just predictions based on data analysis. It is now emerging with limitless potential for generating creative content and problem-solving models. With generative AI models such as ChatGPT in place, chatbots are presenting improvements in language recognition abilities. According to the Market Research Report, the global Generative AI market is poised for exponential growth, expected to surge from USD 8.65 billion in 2022 to USD 188.62 billion by 2032, with a staggering CAGR of 36.10% during the forecast period of 2023-2032. The dominance of the North American region in the market in 2022 underscores the widespread adoption and recognition of the potential of Generative AI. Why Is RAG Important? Every industry hopes to evolve AI implementation, such as Generative AI, which can exploit big data to bring meaningful insights and solutions or provide more customization and automation to capitalize on AI potential. However, Generative AI leveraging neural network architectures and large language models (LLMs) helps businesses to improve with the limitation of producing content or analysis that may be factually wrong given the scope of data fed to the developed model, also known as “hallucinations” or providing outdated information.
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C4 PlantUML: Effortless Software Documentation (Mon, 25 Mar 2024)
Documentation plays a crucial role in any project, serving as a compass for development teams, and as a good way for the new joiners to know how the project is done. More often than not, documentation becomes a task that is either indefinitely postponed or completed once and never updated, leaving it outdated and potentially counterproductive. An effective strategy for developers is to leverage a tool seamlessly integrated into their IDE. This eliminates friction caused by the need to switch between different tools, ensuring convenience, ease of use, and the ability to effortlessly update documentation. An excellent way to approach it is with C4 PlantUML — a powerful tool that allows developers to generate comprehensive system architecture documentation with just a few lines of code, making the documentation process not only efficient but also an integral part of the development workflow.
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I Built My First Go Application and Deployed It to Heroku (Mon, 25 Mar 2024)
Go (aka Golang) came to life at Google in 2009. It was designed by a few big names: Robert Griesemer, who had a large hand in the development of the Java Virtual Machine. Rob Pike, who holds the U.S. patent for windowing UI systems as well as helped build the Plan 9 operating system at Bell Labs. (In fact, the mascots for Plan 9 and for Golang are remarkably similar because Pike’s wife, Renée French, is a renowned illustrator.) Ken Thompson, who designed and implemented a little thing called Unix. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how simple it is to build a RESTful web service in Go. Then, we’ll demonstrate how to deploy this application with Heroku. But before we embark on this journey, let’s talk briefly about why you might want to use Go.
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DevOps Cafe Podcast

DevOps Cafe Ep 79 - Guests: Joseph Jacks and Ben Kehoe (Mon, 13 Aug 2018)
Triggered by Google Next 2018, John and Damon chat with Joseph Jacks (stealth startup) and Ben Kehoe (iRobot) about their public disagreements — and agreements — about Kubernetes and Serverless. 
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DevOps Cafe Ep 78 - Guest: J. Paul Reed (Mon, 23 Jul 2018)
John and Damon chat with J.Paul Reed (Release Engineering Approaches) about the field of Systems Safety and Human Factors that studies why accidents happen and how to minimize the occurrence and impact. Show notes at
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DevOps Cafe Ep. 77 - Damon interviews John (Wed, 20 Jun 2018)
A new season of DevOps Cafe is here. The topic of this episode is "DevSecOps." Damon interviews John about what this term means, why it matters now, and the overall state of security.  Show notes at
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